The candidate/s falls in the approved merit list are advised to deposit tuition fee upto 31.07.2018 (Tuesday) by 3.00 pm. No candidate claim for the seat If he/she failed to deposit the tuition fee up to 31.07.2018. Click here to view: FINAL PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST FOR ADMISSION IN M.A. (POLICE ADMINISTRATION) FIRST YEAR FOR THE SESSION 2018-19 |
Dated: 27/07/2018 |
2. | 13/01/2025 | UG/PG Admission Guidelines for International students 2025-26 onwards |
3. | 09/01/2025 | Ph.D. Enrollment Form Appendix A & B |
4. | 01/01/2025 | Ph.D. Admission Form 2024-25 |
5. | 01/01/2025 | Ph.D. Admission Notice 2024-25 |
6. | 16/09/2024 | Provisional Merit List (In-service) for Admission of M.A. I (Police Administration) Session 2024-25 |
7. | 09/09/2024 | Waiting list 6 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2024-25 |
8. | 02/09/2024 | Provisional Merit List (In-service) for Admission of M.A. I (Police Administration) Session 2024-25 |
9. | 30/08/2024 | Waiting list 5 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2024-25 |
10. | 29/08/2024 | Waiting list 4 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2024-25 |
11. | 27/08/2024 | Waiting list 3 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2024-25 |
12. | 23/08/2024 | Waiting list 2 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2024-25 |
13. | 22/08/2024 | Waiting list 1 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2024-25 |
14. | 21/08/2024 | Notice for classes of M.A. 1st semester (2024-25) |
15. | 19/08/2024 | Undertaking for M.A. 1st Admission in Centre for Police Administration, Session 2024-25 |
16. | 19/08/2024 | Provisional Merit List for Admission of M.A. I (Police Administration) Session 2024-25 |
17. | 07/08/2024 | Provisional merit list M.A. (Police Administration) for the academic session 2024-25 |
18. | 07/08/2024 | Tentative Eligibility Status for removal of rejection pertaining to 5% reserved category of sports for admission in PG Courses in P.U. (2024) |
19. | 06/08/2024 | Notice for Counselling on 09th August, 2024 from 09:30 am to 05:00 pm |
20. | 02/08/2024 | Tentative merit list M.A. (Police Administration) for the academic session 2024-25 |
21. | 30/07/2024 | Result of Aptitude Test held on 30.07.2024 |
22. | 30/07/2024 | Answer Key of entrance test held on 30/07/2024 |
23. | 30/07/2024 | Seating Plan for Written/Aptitude test on 30.07.2024 (Tuesday) from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m |
24. | 29/07/2024 | Instructions for Candidates regarding Written/Aptitude Test on 30.07.2024 |
25. | 25/07/2024 | Admit Card for admission to M.A. (Police Administration) Session 2024-25 |
26. | 25/07/2024 | Admission Notice for admission to M.A. (Police Administration) Session 2024-25 |
27. | 19/07/2024 | Queries of candidates with regard to rejection of reserved category/ additional seats/weightages for the session 2024-25 |
28. | 05/07/2024 | Last date extended for submission of offline Admission Form for FN |
29. | 20/06/2024 | Helpdesk for PwDs Students for Admission process 2024-25 |
30. | 20/06/2024 | Admission Notice for the Academic Session 2024-25 for M.A. in Police Administration |
31. | 19/06/2024 | Fee structure of Fresh admission for the session 2024-2025 (Self Financing Courses ) |
32. | 19/06/2024 | Tuition fee Concession Fee structure of Fresh Admission and ongoing classes/courses for the session 2024-2025 ( 3rd and 4th semester Self financing - Traditional courses ) |
33. | 19/06/2024 | Tuition fee Concession Fee structure of Fresh Admission and ongoing classes/courses for the session 2024-2025 ( 1st and 2nd semester Self financing courses ) |
34. | 19/06/2024 | Fee structure for Foreign Nationals /PIO/NRI Candidates for the session 2024-2025 (Self financing courses 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year / Traditional Courses 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year) |
35. | 31/05/2024 | CIRCULAR REGARDING SUBMISSION OF OFFLINE ADMISSION FORM for Foreign National/NRI candidates BY 24.06.2024 |
36. | 31/05/2024 | Admission Notice 2024-25 |
37. | 30/05/2024 | Offline admission form for Foreign National/NRI candidates |
38. | 15/04/2024 | ANNUAL FEE STRUCTURE FOR NRI /FOREIGN NATIONALS/PIO STUDENTS (Session 2024 - Onwards) |
40. | 11/09/2023 | Provisional Admission List for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2023-24 (Re-appear/Result awaited category)) |
41. | 29/08/2023 | Waiting list 5 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2023-24 |
42. | 26/08/2023 | Waiting list 4 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2023-24 |
43. | 26/08/2023 | Provisional Admission List for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2023-24 for Sports category |
44. | 24/08/2023 | Waiting list 3 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2023-24 |
45. | 22/08/2023 | Regarding sports registration for the session 2023 |
46. | 22/08/2023 | Hostel Notice 2023-24 |
47. | 22/08/2023 | Waiting list 2 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2023-24 |
48. | 18/08/2023 | Waiting list 1 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2023-24 |
49. | 16/08/2023 | Undertaking for M.A. 1st Admission in Centre for Police Administration, Session 2023-24 |
50. | 14/08/2023 | Provisional Admission List for M.A. I (Police Administration) Session 2023-24 |
51. | 04/08/2023 | Notice for Counseling on 08.08.2023 from 9.30 a.m. to 04.30 p.m. |
52. | 02/08/2023 | Provisional merit list for the academic session 2023-24 |
53. | 01/08/2023 | Tentative merit list for the academic session 2023-24 |
54. | 27/07/2023 | Answer Key of entrance test held on 21/07/2023 |
55. | 27/07/2023 | Result of Aptitude Test held on 21.07.2023 |
56. | 25/07/2023 | Notice regarding delay of entrance test result |
57. | 20/07/2023 | Seating Plan for Written/Aptitude test on 21.07.2023 (Friday) from 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. |
58. | 20/07/2023 | Instructions for Candidates regarding Written/Aptitude Test on 21.07.2023 |
59. | 19/07/2023 | Admission Notice for admission to M.A., 2023-24 |
60. | 19/07/2023 | Admit Card for admission to M.A., 2023-24 |
61. | 05/07/2023 | Fee structure of Fresh admission for the session 2023-2024 (Self Financing Courses ) |
62. | 30/06/2023 | Help Desk for Persons with Disabilities regarding Admissions 2023 |
63. | 26/06/2023 | UG/PG guidelines for NRI/Foreign Nationals |
64. | 20/06/2023 | Information brochure for admission to M.A. & Ph.D. in Police Administration |
65. | 05/06/2023 | Admission Notice 2023-24 |
66. | 27/10/2022 | Provisional Admission List for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 (Re-appear/Result awaited category)) |
67. | 14/10/2022 | Waiting list 7 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
68. | 10/10/2022 | Waiting list 6 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
69. | 07/10/2022 | Waiting list 5 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
70. | 04/10/2022 | Waiting list 4 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
71. | 03/10/2022 | Waiting list 3 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
72. | 29/09/2022 | Waiting list 2 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
73. | 27/09/2022 | Waiting list 1 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
74. | 24/09/2022 | Revised Provisional Merit List for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 of Sports, Gen. & BAS Category |
75. | 22/09/2022 | Undertaking for M.A. 1st Admission in Centre for Police Administration, Session 2022-23 |
76. | 22/09/2022 | Provisional Admission List for M.A. I (Police Administration) Session 2022-23 |
77. | 21/09/2022 | Sports Tentative Merit List for Post Graduate Courses 2022 |
78. | 16/09/2022 | Provisional Merit List for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2022-23 |
79. | 15/09/2022 | Revised notice for counselling scheduled to be held on 19.09.2022 from 09:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m. |
80. | 13/09/2022 | Counselling will be held on 19.09.2022 (Monday) from 09:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m. |
81. | 12/09/2022 | Tentative Merit List of M.A. (Police Administration)n for the session 2022-23 |
82. | 08/09/2022 | Result of Aptitude Test held on 06.09.2022 |
83. | 08/09/2022 | Sports Category Tentative Eligibility Status of PG applicants |
84. | 07/09/2022 | Answer Key of entrance test (held on 06/09/2022) |
85. | 07/09/2022 | Question Paper of entrance test held on 06/09/2022. |
86. | 02/09/2022 | Admission schedule for admission to M.A., 2022-23 |
87. | 02/09/2022 | Admit Card for admission to M.A., 2022-23 |
88. | 22/08/2022 | Extension date for applying of PG courses |
89. | 02/08/2022 | Fee structure of Fresh admission and ongoing classes/courses for the session 2022-2023 |
90. | 22/07/2022 | Extension of last date - PG courses |
91. | 23/06/2022 | Admission Notice 2022-23 |
93. | 11/03/2022 | Merit list of admission to Ph.D. (Police Administration), 2021-22 |
94. | 04/03/2022 | Notice regarding PPT for Interview/Interaction on 09.03.2022 for admission to Ph.D. Session 2021-22 |
95. | 28/02/2022 | Notice for Admission to M.Phil & Ph.D. for the session 2021-22 |
96. | 23/02/2022 | Revised Admission Schedule for Admission to Ph.D / M.Phil. Courses for the Session 2021-22 |
97. | 09/02/2022 | Regarding M.Phil/Ph.D. Admissions, Session 2021-22 |
98. | 18/11/2021 | Addendum - Regarding Extension of last date |
99. | 26/10/2021 | Waiting list 2 (Offline Form) for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 |
100. | 21/10/2021 | Waiting list 1 (Offline Form) for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 |
101. | 13/10/2021 | Undertaking for M.A. 1st Admission (Offline) in Centre for Police Administration 2021-22 |
102. | 13/10/2021 | Provisional Admission List (Offline) for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 |
103. | 11/10/2021 | Answer key of Entrance Re-Test held on 09.10.2021 |
104. | 11/10/2021 | Result of Aptitude Re-Test held on 09.10.2021 |
105. | 08/10/2021 | Seating Plan for Entrance Test on 09.10.2021 |
106. | 01/10/2021 | Offline Admission Form 2021-22 |
107. | 01/10/2021 | Important Information for Aptitude Re-Test on 09.10.2021 |
108. | 01/10/2021 | Instructions for Candidates regarding Aptitude Re-Test on 09.10.2021 |
109. | 01/10/2021 | New Admission Notice for the Academic Session 2021-22 for M.A. in Police Administration |
110. | 01/10/2021 | New Admission Schedule cum Admit Card for Aptitude Re-Test for Admission to M.A. 1st year (Police Administration) , Session 2021-22 |
111. | 29/09/2021 | Provisional Admission List for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 (Incomplete Form) |
112. | 23/09/2021 | Provisional Admission List (Inservice Police Personnel Category) for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 |
113. | 23/09/2021 | Waiting list 2 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 |
114. | 20/09/2021 | Waiting list 1 for admission to M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 |
115. | 17/09/2021 | Undertaking for M.A. 1st Admission in Centre for Police Administration 2021-22 |
116. | 17/09/2021 | Provisional Admission List for M.A. I (Police Administration) 2021-22 |
117. | 11/09/2021 | Answer key of Entrance Test held on 09.09.2021 |
118. | 11/09/2021 | Result of Entrance Test held on 09.09.2021 |
119. | 08/09/2021 | Important Information for Entrance Test on 09.09.2021 |
120. | 08/09/2021 | Instructions for Candidates regarding Entrance Test on 09.09.2021 |
121. | 08/09/2021 | Seating Plan & Instructions for Entrance Test on 09.09.2021 |
122. | 06/09/2021 | Fee migration form |
123. | 03/09/2021 | Admission Schedule cum Admit Card for Entrance Test for Admission to M.A. 1st year (Police Administration) , Session 2021-22 |
124. | 02/09/2021 | Admission schedule for Masters in Police Administration for the Session 2021-2022 |
125. | 24/08/2021 | Extension of last date for applying for PG Courses for the session 2021-2022 (30.8.2021) |
126. | 06/08/2021 | Panjab University Admission Guidelines for the Session 2021-22 |
127. | 30/07/2021 | Admission brochure for admission in M.A. Police Administration Session 2021-22 |
128. | 30/07/2021 | Admission Notice for the Academic Session 2021-22 for M.A. in Police Administration |
129. | 24/07/2021 | Admission Notice - Academic Session 2021-2022 |
130. | 15/01/2021 | Notice for Admission to Ph.D. & M.Phil for the session 2020-21 |
131. | 31/12/2020 | Notice regarding Admission schedule to Ph.D/M.Phil courses for the session 2020-21 |
132. | 07/12/2020 | Waiting list 16 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
133. | 05/12/2020 | Waiting list 15 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
134. | 04/12/2020 | Waiting list 14 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
135. | 02/12/2020 | Waiting list 13 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
136. | 01/12/2020 | Waiting list 12 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
137. | 28/11/2020 | Waiting list 11 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
138. | 27/11/2020 | Waiting list 10 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
139. | 25/11/2020 | Waiting list 9 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
140. | 24/11/2020 | Waiting list 8 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
141. | 23/11/2020 | Waiting list 7 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
142. | 21/11/2020 | Waiting list 6 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
143. | 20/11/2020 | Waiting list 5 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
144. | 19/11/2020 | Waiting list 4 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
145. | 19/11/2020 | Provisional PwD Merit list for Admission in M.A. Police Administration Session 2020-21 |
146. | 19/11/2020 | Provisional Sports Merit list for Admission in M.A. Police Administration Session 2020-21 |
147. | 18/11/2020 | Waiting list 3 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
148. | 16/11/2020 | Waiting list 2 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
149. | 12/11/2020 | Waiting list 1 for admission in M.A. (Police Administration) 2020-21 |
150. | 09/11/2020 | Undertaking for Admission in Centre for Police Administration 2020-21 |
151. | 09/11/2020 | Provisional Admission List Session 2020-21 |
152. | 22/10/2020 | Tentative Admission Schedule for PG courses for the session 2020-21 |
153. | 30/09/2020 | Last date for applying online admission forms for Post graduate courses extended up to October 15, 2020. |
154. | 26/08/2020 | Date of filling of online admission form for PG extended upto 30.09.2020 |
155. | 05/06/2020 | Information regarding admission to M.A., M.Phil, & Ph.D. Courses in Police Administration for In-service Police Personnel |
156. | 31/08/2019 | Notice for Admission to Ph.D. & M.Phil for the session 2019-20 |
157. | 13/08/2019 | Notice regarding admission of wait listed candidates Sr. No. 34-39 |
158. | 07/08/2019 | Notice for Sports Category (Wait listed candidates) |
159. | 07/08/2019 | Notice for Sports category |
160. | 30/07/2019 | Notice regarding admission of wait listed General (26-39) & all reserved category Candidates |
161. | 29/07/2019 | Notice regarding admission of wait listed General (16-25) & all reserved category Candidates |
162. | 26/07/2019 | Notice regarding admission of wait listed General (1-15) & all reserved category candidates |
163. | 25/07/2019 | Fee Structure MA 1st (Police Administration 2019-20 (for new admission) |
164. | 24/07/2019 | Final Provisional Merit List for Admission in M.A. (Police Admission) First year for the session 2019-20 |
165. | 19/07/2019 | It is for the information of all the qualified candidates should appear for the counseling to be held on 22/07/2019 from 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. along with all the original documents. |
166. | 18/07/2019 | Provisional Merit List 18.07.2019 |
167. | 18/07/2019 | RESULT of Aptitude Test held on 15.07.2019 |
168. | 17/07/2019 | Answer key of the Written test held on 15.07.2019 |
169. | 17/07/2019 | Result of Written Test held on 15.07.2019 |
170. | 12/07/2019 | Seating Plan for Written/Aptitude test on 15.07.2019 (Monday) from 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. |
171. | 09/07/2019 | Revised Schedule cum Entrance test roll no. proforma for admission in M.A. 1st year (Police Administration) for the session 2019-20 |
172. | 14/06/2019 | Admission related criteria |
173. | 14/06/2019 | Schedule cum Entrance test roll no. proforma for admission in M.A. 1st year (Police Administration) for the session 2019-20 |
174. | 13/06/2019 | Admission Schedule for Masters in Police Administration for the session 2019-20. |
175. | 20/08/2018 | Regarding late admission with permission of the V. C., desire to claim seat for admission to M. A.1st year, who are placed in merit list as wait list candidates whose documents/result are incomplete. |
176. | 10/08/2018 | Regarding submission of fee for admission to M.A. 1st year (Police Administration) from General Waiting List candidates from Sr. no. 20 to 30. |
177. | 08/08/2018 | Regarding wait list candidates whose documents /results are incomplete and desire to claim (SC) reserve category seat/s for admission to M. A.1st year |
178. | 02/08/2018 | Regarding submission of fee for general waiting list candidates from sr. no. 11 to 20 for admission to M. A.1st year |
179. | 01/08/2018 | Regarding submission of fee of waiting list candidates from sr. no. 1 to 10 of General and all Reserved categories for admission to M. A.1st year |
180. | 21/07/2018 | RESULT of Aptitude Test held on 18.07.2018 |
181. | 20/07/2018 | Answer key of the Aptitude test of Centre for Police Administration |
182. | 19/07/2018 | Answer key of the Aptitude test of Centre for Police Administration |
183. | 28/06/2018 | Admission Schedule for Master in Police Administration (M.A.1st year) for the session 2018-19 |
184. | 11/10/2017 | Admission notice for M. Phil. candidates for the session 2017-18 |
188. | 05/07/2017 | Schedule cum Entrance test roll no. proforma for admission in M.A. 1st year police administration for the session 2017-18 |